Love Scent,美国一家香水购物网站,在线销售无添加的费洛蒙、古龙水,无风险购物。Love Scent is your one stop online pheromone superstore. Shop for the best pheromone perfumes and colognes fragrances risk free.Human Pheromones are natural chemical scents the body produces in order to attract others. Pheromones in animals are well documented as the force that controls all social behavior, including mating. Scientists are now finding that human behavior is also heavily influenced by Pheromones, the ultimate invisible social magnet. By intensifying the pheromones that already occur naturally in men and women, you will experience not only a boost in confidence, but also increased sex appeal. Human pheromones can work wonders in business affairs by giving you the extra edge you need to make a good impression.